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Joy Womack the Born Again Balletome

Moscow Ballet Contest June 15, 2017

Here'south an commodity on the opening of the Moscow Ballet Competition; I'll effort to follow up on this in the coming days:

Moscow Competition

Be Careful What Yous Wish For March iv, 2017

During my YouTube haunt tonight, I found a new video by Joy Womack in which she blamed her on-tour loneliness on the fact that she didn't come up through the corps and didn't "bond" with anyone; also, she reiterated the "jealousy" alibi when talking about how her colleagues freak out whenever she pulls out a video camera.

At this betoken I don't know what to say except that it's getting old.  It'southward obvious that she needs to exit Russian federation, simply information technology's not so clear as to whether she'll be happier in another visitor elsewhere.  A lot of her problem is herself; until she realizes that, it's going to be aforementioned-onetime, same-onetime.

Aside: the music she uses in her non-performance videos is hideous.  I continue fast-forwarding through it.  Where does she detect this stuff?  It's either repetitious to the point of where y'all desire to scream…well, it's always that fashion…or at that place'south some girl singing in a voice that sounds like she just sucked on helium.  Sometimes information technology's but plain weird (once she had groundwork music where some guy was reciting poetry or a speech or something).  Never does it have anything to do with what's going on on-screen.

Ofttimes, this screechy background music is just plain Likewise LOUD.

Anyway, on to my side by side rant…a video serial called The Joffrey Elite.

This is a reality series and follows that sick, sad, lamentable former formula to the terminal drop of BS.  The story is that a group of students are selected by the Joffrey Ballet Schoolhouse (Non affiliated with the Joffrey Ballet!!) to go "the elite," which is a group that performs at those featherbrained team competitions that are springing upward effectually the country.  You know, similar Dance Moms, only with pointe shoes.

Along the way they take the usual staged backstage dramas ("you're on probation!") and the usual happy endings ("we got first identify in our first competition!"), coupled with the requisite light-headed challenges ("we didn't score 100%!").  At one signal I felt like shouting, "y'all didn't score 100% considering your students aren't very good!"  Because they aren't.  They are students: young, unfinished dancers ostensibly training for the lofty rigors of classical ballet.

If that's actually who these kids are, this serial volition price them somewhen in existent-globe terms.  Let's put it this way: why are serious pre-professional ballet students wasting their time on high school drill-squad choreography?  Are they aspiring to be cheerleaders?  Meantime they are losing serious classroom and rehearsal fourth dimension in the most difficult of all the disciplines of western trip the light fantastic.

Aside from that, the series is so trite and predictable and just manifestly stupid that information technology made me wonder why the Joffrey Ballet School got involved in this in the kickoff place.  This particular schoolhouse has a reputation that outstrips that of the Joffrey University (the schoolhouse that is affiliated with the Joffrey Ballet), which is a young institution that just underwent a major management shakeup and as a outcome of all this, hasn't gotten very far in its first 6 or seven years.  The Joffrey Ballet School, in contrast, has a solid history that goes dorsum to 1953 and has earned a reputation for producing fine dancers.  Kids fight to become into that schoolhouse.

So why risk information technology?  What's the end game here?  Are they wishing for fame and fortune past going downwardly the reality-goggle box route?

This is not, after all, the Joffrey School'southward first foray into the questionable world of reality shows.  They had a presence in the deplorable Trip the light fantastic Moms series every bit well.  At this bespeak, I guess I can presume it's a pattern.  But equally I asked, why?  Is it doing them any proficient?

Is information technology doing ballet any good?

I can only hope that this doesn't spread to other schools.  I know one company has already succumbed (Ballet West), but I'd hate to see it spread to other companies too.  The one affair that may stop information technology is the dancers themselves.  One hopes that if Joy Womack is getting in problem with her colleagues for filming everything they practice while filming herself (a new form of collateral impairment), possibly dancers beyond the U.Southward. volition stand up with their unions and end the reality-show trend in its tracks.  After all, it could end up making ballet expect like one big, fake, stupid drama, kind of like professional wrestling.

One may argue that it exposes a whole new audience to ballet. Simply when you consider a typical reality-show audience…well, perhaps ballet is better off without it.

Reality Ballet Jan xxx, 2017

The following is a annotate from a regular contributor.  I found information technology interesting.  Please read through it; I'll add my thoughts below.

Rose Adagios and New York, NY Jan 25, 2017

Went to YouTube last night and watched function of the Bolshoi'south Sleeping Dazzler, which had initially been broadcast a few days before.  Olga Smirnova was Aurora…at to the lowest degree, she was dancing the role.  It's e'er hard for me to get used to a Russian Aurora, since I'm  expecting that bubbly airhead and instead am faced with a stone-cold classicist who barely pays attending to her suitors unless 1 nearly drops her, or doesn't quite get there in time during one of the balances.  Of course I'thousand kidding, but only just.

Smirnova was a quintessential Russian Aurora.  Every bit Aurora gets more grown up as the ballet progresses ….I mean, she wakes upwards after something like 100 years…I'one thousand sure Smirnova's interpretation was merely cracking past the end of the show.  But as information technology was, it seemed like she was taking course from a very strict teacher and wasn't much worried well-nigh appearing to be a giddy teenager.

Whatever.  Sleeping Beauty puts me to sleep, anyway; it's all those damn fairies.  Just when yous call up you've seen all the fairies it'southward possible to behold…DAMN!  Some other bloomin' fairy.  It gets erstwhile very fast unless ane is into looking closely at the soloists for future prima ballerina possibilities.

And on to other things…as ever, Joy Womack.  I wondered and wondered what was going on with her.  She left Russia in November and never went dorsum except for ane twenty-four hours — and that was to be her application mean solar day for a Russian green card.  Apparently she didn't get ane; she's now stranded at her brother'southward place in New York City, unable to return to Russia due to visa issues.

It'due south turned out not to exist such a bad thing.  Of course she probably won't get an offer from ABT, equally in one of her previous videos she didn't really badmouth them, but she did mention that they do not generally promote their own dancers beyond soloist because they accept so many guest artists.**  Not a nifty motion if one is thinking of future job prospects; prospective employers generally don't like to have their flaws pointed out.  But she'southward taken class with them at least twice, so they've now seen her upwards shut and personal.  And considering her newfound love for NYC…

…To be off-white, she is non talking about joining ABT.  She'due south having a ball taking classes at Steps on Broadway and is speaking almost like she works for Gaynor Minden.  What she did say near her future performing career was intriguing: she is thinking of "putting together a team," whatsoever that means, and touring.

Judging from that, it sounds similar she means to exist a freelance ballerina.  Like I said, what she actually meant by that remains to be seen.

It does sound like she is no longer obsessed with conveying on with her career in Russian federation (Katisized, y'all were right!).  It could be that she's finally accepting the caustic reality that her state of affairs in that location was never secure and didn't wait to ameliorate beyond existence a prima in a tiny company.  Information technology could also exist that she'southward decided to look past Russia strictly because of the visa issue.  And it could also happen that when/if her visa finally comes through, all this NYC dear will become a passing fancy and she'll be dorsum to trying to hammer her Russian dreams into reality, unhappy and tuckered as that seems to leave her.

I observed that she seems much, much happier right at present than she's ever been (nigh like a giddy Aurora!) except for during 1 cursory working trip to California a few years back.  If this is so, perchance there'due south a message for her in that: forget your Russian dreams, kiddo; your bouquets are all right here at abode.

Freelance possibilities aside, it would be virtually interesting to run across her take a place in a U.South. visitor and watch how she looks in the same mirror equally domicile-grown dancers.  Obviously if she got into ABT or the San Francisco Ballet, she would probable accept to footstep downwards to soloist.  Would she be able to step upwards again?  That would be fascinating to see.  Plus, nosotros would finally really go a chance to closely notice her dancing, live and in person on a steady basis, and make solid judgements based on that.

She is not famous for being clear about anything.  The simply thing for certain right now is that she can't go back to Russian federation at the moment, and maybe she shouldn't even try.  There's no utilize in continuing to attempt to build a firm of cards, no affair how solid the foundation seems to exist.

** That is truthful now, and has been for decades; information technology'due south too early to tell whether having attended the JKO school volition brand whatsoever deviation in an ABT corps member's or soloist's hereafter, or if the visitor volition ever stop relying so heavily on guests to make full out its principal roster if indeed it gets more than enough talented kids out of JKO.  Information technology sure didn't work with the previous ABT school, which folded in the early on 1980's — but then again, that school was never as serious and well-organized equally JKO; information technology had no set ballet curriculum (the JKO schoolhouse does), and no junior division to speak of; it consisted mainly of preprofessional classes, which may or may not have been open up — significant that anyone could nourish (although I do call up seeing a telephone call for auditions at that school).  The only really major dancer I can remember whose training was strongly attributed to that school was Fernando Bujones.  And I may not even exist remembering that correctly.

Of grade Womack never attended JKO, and she does not have enough continuing as a prima ballerina to bring together ABT as a stellar guest artist, either.  So she would have to start out as a soloist or worse, a fellow member of the corps.

Everything at that place was night and dirty October 8, 2016

I finally watched Bolshoi Babylon tonight.  My take-abroad: don't exist a twit.

First I have to say that as an American living in the U.S., it's incommunicable for me to grasp the deep importance of ballet to Russians.  In the U.Southward., ballet is a niche art that is becoming a niche sport as the numerous competitions spread, grow, and flourish (whether they atomic number 82 to exciting ballet careers is a question for another article, but I practice visualize at that place eventually being a ballet Olympics or something, and ballet dancers appearing on Wheaties boxes with their gold medals; art demand non employ).

What the moving picture did provide for me was a closer look at Filin, who appears to be a right little twit — non that that in whatever way excuses the concrete attack on him.  Information technology also clarified that Dimitrichenko's apparent recent remarks indicating that Vorontsova was never his girlfriend/wife were a bald-faced prevarication.  And that Tsiskaridze is another twit.

Everyone, in fact, seems to exist a twit.  In that location seems to be no peace in Bolshoi-state, merely factions of twits hissing at other factions of twits.  Maybe this has calmed down a bit since Filin was deposed, however.

Every bit for Joy Womack, anyone following her (who hasn't seen the motion picture) is probably under the impression that she appears in it at some indicate.  She has mentioned that she was interviewed for the film, in fact.

She doesn't announced at all, and seems to be mentioned but obliquely (at ane signal near the stop Filin says that no i has offered proof that he was demanding bribe money).  Somebody else — don't remember who — said that there were a lot of dancers without talent enervating bigger roles, but that could have been a reference to a lot of people.  My simply question is, why are in that location so many untalented dancers in the mighty Bolshoi?

Of course, certain elements of artistic talent rely entirely on the viewer'south perception.  The other day I was reading Ballet Alert'due south discussion of Womack.  As is predictable, it went dorsum and forth between those who recall she hung the moon and those (i claiming to be Russian) who said that they, and the Russian audience, did not call up much of her at all.  There was i video posted of her blackness swan performance with some tiny company somewhere, with a miserable orchestra and a partner who appeared non to have graduated from any recognized ballet school…or whatsoever ballet school at all.  In the same discussion of the aforementioned video, comments ranged from marveling at her musicality (which I admittedly didn't meet), to those who didn't run across the aforementioned thing I didn't come across.  Some mentioned potent port de bras (which I did meet), and others mentioned tremendous command.  To say she's controversial is to make one vast understatement.

But it's interesting to note that since she'southward been promoted to principal, the give-and-take has gone almost completely silent.  She may now be a big minnow in a small pond, but that pond is in the same neighborhood every bit the Bolshoi and lives in the same soil.  Pretty hard to keep sniping.  And then again, equally someone pointed out, she never mentions her reviews.

Anyway, on World Ballet Twenty-four hours she issued a video that sounded similar a 21 year onetime making a sophomoric mission argument.  Note that no i asked, but she views herself as a leader, and she moans nearly her fellow dancers' lack of extra-curricular conditioning regimes, and…and…and…

In a way it leads me back to Filin being a twit.  Somehow beingness raised in that insulated little earth of ballet doesn't always make for cracking leadership qualities.  Womack has a lot of maturing to practice in a lot of ways, and she'd do well to watch that film again and actually, actually observe Filin.

P.S. to view Bolshoi Babylon online, you'll probably take to pay a few dollars.  I got to see it for free because I have Amazon Prime, and so that's another option.  As for Womack's WBD annunciation on Youtube, here it is: Womack Manifesto

I thank the commentors for their insights and urge yous to read their remarks.

Rethinking Dmitrichenko August 29, 2016

Released from prison

I acknowledge that I'm shaky on the history of the Dmitrichenko/Vorontsova/Tsiskaridze/Filin thing.  I'chiliad fifty-fifty more confused later on reading the above-captioned commodity, in which Dmitrichenko more than or less denies anything happened.

At the time of the acid-throwing incident, I was having trouble reconciling the repeated statement that Vorontsova was Dmitrichenko'due south mutual-police wife.  She was, afterward all, but 21.  In the U.S., in states where common-law marriage is recognized. it takes seven years to found a such a union.  Of course, this is Russia nosotros're dealing with hither, but…

Once again I call up of Joy Womack, and the endless controversy surrounding her time at the Bolshoi.  Volition we ever go to the bottom of information technology?  Probably not.  (Withal, I was struck past the similarity of Womack's situation to that of another Bolshoi outcast — Vorontsova.)  Again, this is Russian federation we're dealing with here.  Lies are huge, and become the truth.  The problem is that there are then many of them that they seem to cancel each other.  In the end, nosotros are left with null.

At the time of the incident, I remember being shocked by the callousness of Tsiskaridze challenge that Filin either wasn't really injured, or was faking the extent of his injuries — I forget which.  But knowing the murky depths of Russian interpersonal politics…well, it'south impossible to get in at a plausible truth that works for all the players.  Even now, there'south an oft-repeated rumor that Filin has been seen driving a car.  And he continues to piece of work in ballet.  That requires sight.  Yet no less than the uber-honest Obraztsova says that aye, Filin'southward injuries were and are real.

All that said — that is, the complete truth volition never be known — I will focus on Dmitrichenko'due south dancing (near which I know little except for a few videos), and his career.

In that location's no uncertainty, based on the little I've seen, that Dmitrichenko has star power.  He seems to exist the ultimate drama king, riveting to watch.  He definitely could have a career as a character dancer that would terminal decades.

The question of his career is the huge ane, and it all hinges on whether or not the story of the acid set on and his interest in it is fifty-fifty a flake true — and the extent of Filin'southward support base of operations within the Russian ballet customs.

Dmitrichenko wants to get back into the Bolshoi.  Filin is notwithstanding working there (with students now, apparently, and not directly with the master company).  Doubtless there are dozens or fifty-fifty hundreds at the Bolshoi who tin't stand each other, yet continue to work together…just attacking someone physically is another matter entirely.  The current managing director, or whatever his championship is, says that Dmitrichenko can audition merely similar anyone else.  The question later on that is how much influence Filin even so has, and how much danger he would actually be in.  (My guess is not much — even if Dmitricheko got dorsum into the Bolshoi, why would he repeat such an attack on someone who no longer wields much power within the main visitor — merely what practise I know?)

Could Dmitrichenko go elsewhere?  Who knows.  Womack did, and and so did Vorontsova, (and both take done well in their new environments), which proves that there are those in the Russian ballet world who are willing to thumb their noses at the Bolshoi.  Of course, in Russia there are lots of other companies, and no doubt lots of strong souls like the director of Womack's visitor.  Simply at that place are non many companies where Dmitrichenko's considerable star power wouldn't be wasted on a vastly reduced audience.

This is a state of affairs I'll be watching with interest.  Its issue will requite me a glimpse into the murky depths (and that's what they are) of Russian federation's ballet soul.

Off the music December thirteen, 2014

I keep getting Joy Womack news flung in my face.  Yesterday was no different; either she or someone else posted a trailer for her upcoming (in Russia at least) film.  The trailer's description was riddled with grammatical errors (at to the lowest degree, the English translation was), which leads me to believe information technology is solely a Russian project and volition not be seen here.  The trailer featured Joy speaking warmly of Nikita, her (ex?) husband, and albeit error in the way she dealt with the Bolshoi.  She said that any bridges there take been thoroughly burned.  Perchance this was meant every bit a healing gesture, merely I have long had the impression that her days in Russia are over and it'due south future dwelling and get into the corps of ABT or some smaller, local company. Her relative fame could even land her a leading role in some really tiny company, who knows.

Today she posted a video of herself dancing the Saccharide Plum Fairy with the Kremlin Ballet.  Inadvertently, she may take posted the very reason the Bolshoi had no utilise for her equally a soloist unless she paid them off (and it also left one wondering why she was hired as a leading soloist at the Kremlin Ballet).

She is, judging by this video, aught more than a corps dancer.  Period.  In the video, she was badly off the (recorded) music and did not express it in any style.  And the Carbohydrate Plum Fairy is no Giselle, a fragile girl delicately dancing to the happy music in act ane.  The SPF is a magical animate being.  She commands the music with twinkle and charm, and casts fairy glitter as she dances. She is a little girl's dream of a grown-upwardly ballerina, all tutu, tiara, and shiny pointe shoes.

At least, that's what she should be.  In the hands of anything more than than a coryphee, that's what she is.  Simply Joy's SPF did none of that. She appeared uncertain in some of the steps, was, (as I mentioned), off the music, and worst of all, did not twinkle and spread charm.

An admirer suggested, equally I accept long felt, that perhaps Joy has done all she tin can do in Russia (afterward all, someone else from the U.Southward. made it to principal dancer there long ago — and so it's been washed) and it is fourth dimension to head elsewhere. Personally I'd like to see her start from the bottom in New York and see what a big company there tin do with her.  Russia will never requite us an honest answer.  There is also much going on behind the scenes.

She may be afraid of the reply; who knows.  Peradventure her little visitor in Russia and her frequent modeling jobs there are comfy refuges from the electric current truth about her dancing, which doesn't seem to be pretty.

And so while it's possible that we will never see existent improvement, it's likewise possible that we volition in the end be left wondering if real comeback was ever possible.  And considering that she's such a determined dancer who is surrounded by and so many questions regarding her truthful ability, that's a big thwarting.  She is possibly selling herself short by staying in Russia.

Some Womack News? December 28, 2012

Happened to stumble across the news that there is a chance that Joy Womack volition be promoted to Soloist in the side by side month or so.  Heed you, the Bolshoi has a bewildering number of Soloist levels; I'm guessing she will exist at the lowest level, which is probably equivalent to Coryphee in the companies that have that level.  Simply it's still pretty startling news, since she's simply been with the Bolshoi a few months.  She must be doing very well.

It'south heady to call up that she may exist one of the great ones instead of merely very practiced.  Time will tell.  Of course I wish her the all-time.  I'd honey to come across a video of her on the Bolshoi phase as a professional; there are none now…but I'm sure many are forthcoming.

Brief Thoughts on Getting Thrown Out (of ballet school) December 12, 2012

In the past few months I've read stories well-nigh two currently rising stars having been previously thrown out of ballet schools.  I was the Majestic Ballet's Melissa Hamilton (who got thrown out of Elmhurst for being too far backside the balance of the class), and the other, believe it or not, was Joy Womack (asked to leave the Kirov Schoolhouse because of limited flexibility and poor turnout).

Hamilton went on to follow a mentor to another country and engage in private lessons until she more than than defenseless upwards; Womack, of course, is now then flexible that she well-nigh looks dislocated (while stretching; certainly she doesn't seem to overdo it in her dancing), and although she denies it, she has 1 heck of a turnout.

Apparently neither of them gave up, which is a gift to the rest of u.s.a..  Merely the news about these two left me wondering how many other dancers with great potential nosotros've missed because at some indicate, somewhere, a kid got thrown out of ballet school.

In the U.South., of grade, if you become thrown out of one school, you tin go to another and piece of work toward meliorate things.  But in some countries it seems that if you are rejected, that's it.  You proceed to other things.

Not much more to say here.  Certainly ballet teachers aren't wrong almost these decisions all the time, and of form it's heartbreaking to watch a kid doggedly pursue a career that is just wrong for them.  But in one case in a while, accidents must happen.

Maybe the end result is the product of the kid'due south own decision.  Hamilton and Womack are nothing if not adamant.  Just in ballet, the mirror and the teacher's eyes likewise come up into play.  Apparently, sometimes those give skewed feedback.

A Little Russian Headache December 6, 2012

Been away for a flake because of yet another illness.  It's been a very long yr in that regard.

Anyway, I was feeling similar watching a total-length ballet and and then headed over to YouTube.  I landed on an old Kirov production of The Nutcracker. The ballerina was 1 Larissa Lezhnina.  Honestly, equally her career started during my long absence from watching ballet, I never heard of her.  Merely she was mannerly, then I sought more than information.

I landed on this interview (click on link).  Delight read it earlier reading this commodity farther.

I was shocked to run across that quite a while back I echoed in this blog, without knowing it, some of the things she says here — specifically nearly  "flexerinas" like Svetlana Zakharova (who really has toned downwardly that aspect of her dancing a bit, as far as I tin see), and numerous others.  Her comments about these dancers gave me a better timeline equally to when the pretzels took over.  Although there has ever been a dancer or ii who was more than flexible than most, the tendency toward anybody being that style seems to be very contempo, post 2000.

Lezhnina says that this type of dancing is "not pure Kirov style."  I wouldn't know.  All I know is that when I started watching again after a nearly 30 year suspension, I was shocked to run into legs flying and so high upwards in the air that the heel of the pes almost touched the contrary ear, and/or grands jetes so over-carve up and hyperextended that it looked like the dancer had fallen apart in mid-air.  (Quick, go the Super Glue!)  This, to me, had nothing to do with classical ballet.

I likewise pretty much agree with her nigh almost of what I see in modern choreography, but that'south for some other mail.  I've never been a fan of most modern choreography and don't observe information technology worthwhile or beneficial in any way, but I'll have to study it more earlier I comment at length.  Certainly in that location must exist something that I'm missing.

Again, this is an old interview, effectually fifteen years old, merely you really should read it.

Bringing it back into the present, I was thinking again about the YouTube vlogger Russianballetvideos.  He's the one who is the devotee of the Maryinsky (Kirov).  He'due south been screaming a lot lately about people like Oxana Skorik and Keenan Kampa, who in his opinion are not worthy to exist in the Maryinsky, are ill-trained and under-talented at worst and just don't fit in at best.  Their very presence in the Maryinsky indicates terrible, nefarious things going on in the background that will be the end of Russian ballet equally we know it, and apathetic, blah, apathetic.  Money-grubbing!  Impurity!  Oh, the horror!

Read the Lezhnina interview.  She says pretty much the same matter about a not-much-earlier generation of Russian dancers.  Yes, what she says is palatable to me because I totally agree with her on so many bug, but the fact is that all of this brings upwardly a question: is this argumente'ergoing on in Russia?

I'm guessing it must exist.  If one looks at videos spanning the past century (and information technology is possible), one sees that each generation of dancers ordinarily provides some sort of fairly radical divergence from the previous generation.  And goodness knows, kids are always problem, aren't they?

So is it possible to look at information technology this fashion: Russian ballet equally we know it is e'er dying and being reborn correct earlier our eyes?  And if that's so, is it possible that people like RBV and others I've commented on recently are flipping out about nothing?

Or is in that location something else going on?  In the past week I've had an awful lot of time to read and reflect and Google.  I of the things I was curious about was the current status of Joy Womack over at the Bolshoi.  Kampa finally showed up in the roster of the Maryinsky early in the Autumn, but Womack…well, she'due south just not there.  It's been that way for months.  (12/7/12 update: her photo and name are now listed among the corps; no, this was not there when I looked yesterday).

So what did I detect out?  She had been presented with an extraordinary selection — to bring together the Bolshoi as a corps dancer or bring together the Mikhailovsky as a soloist.  I think information technology shows a lot of integrity and forethought on her part that she chose to go to the Bolshoi, even with lower status in that location.  Popular as she already is, she still needs to build credibility and gain experience.  It's to her credit that she recognized this.

But that'southward not the indicate.  The betoken is…it'due south that pesky Mikhailovsky again!

This is the troupe that swallowed upwards Natalia Osipova and her husband(?) Ivan Vasliev amid shouts of scandal and horror in Moscow.  At one point, as I previously mentioned, the whole antic was being blamed on American dancer David Hallberg, who plainly was going to bring down the entire Bolshoi and all or Russian ballet with it just by setting foot on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater.  I mean, OMG he'southward AMERICAN, he CAN'T Trip the light fantastic toe.  And someone claimed that Osipova fled to the "really 3rd rate" Mikhailovsky to go abroad from him.

Tut, tut.

Seems the cat'south out of the purse: the Mikhailovsky also had fabricated an offer to Hallberg, which he refused.  And now nosotros have this news about picayune Joy Womack.  (BTW only found out that Womack'south school partner, Bolshoi-University-trained American dancer Mario Labrador, has joined the Mikhailovsky as a coryphee.)

What the Mikhailovsky is doing is edifice a team by buying information technology. (ABT has been doing this for decades, so this sort of thing is no shock to us in the U.S.)  Every bit a troupe they are even so dismissed as lightweight and inconsequential; however, the dancers there seem to view information technology as a place of refuge, with the positive possibility that they won't take to spend the rest of their careers buried in a herd of principals and wanna-exist principals, fending off the flavor-of-the-moment and waiting months betwixt performances; worst of all, never getting chances at pick roles.

This may bear witness to be interesting.  And information technology'southward yet some other change in Russian ballet: the onetime power construction is gone and a new i is trying to take its identify.  I have my own opinions about that (I still think ballet thrives best on regime support), but I'm willing to watch and wait.  Goodness knows it is never a pretty process, simply it is always fascinating.

Meantime, I'll endeavour to go on all the whining in perspective.  Trip the light fantastic is alive; therefore, dance is change.  It's every bit true in Russia every bit it is in the residue of the globe.

Joy Womack the Born Again Balletome
